Difficult times can affect us in many ways, good and bad. My life is a tale of adversity at it’s worst; the death of two 4-year old daughters, addiction, major depression, loss of my profession, divorce, and prison…..yet, it was my response to it all that allows me to speak to audiences about how the worst circumstances can become our greatest gift.

I lived it and it can be a gift for you too.

Rave Reviews

“Randy's core message strikes at the heart of us all. Everyone faces adversity. Some often seemingly insignificant, while some nearly insurmountable. Randy's message is clear, concise, and consistent with all challenges. The transparency he delivers of his own battles was almost therapeutic, and without the high cost associated with a per-hour shrink!”

Mark BeardmoreCarroll Rotary Club

“Randy captures the attention of his audience with his down-to-earth style, humor, and confident approach. His willingness to show vulnerability and speak about personal experiences that are often left out of the conversation on this important topic is commendable. He is an engaging speaker and challenges his audience to reflect on their own thoughts, beliefs and behaviors.”

Amy Popillian, Ph.D.Professor, Human Development and Family Studies, Iowa State University

“Randy is the best I’ve ever seen in terms of drawing the audience into his message. They become part of his story as he passionately describes the tremendous highs and lows of his personal and professionals life. His message is engaging, motivational, thought provoking, and behavior changing. Randy is making a positive difference in the lives of many people and his message will talked about for years to come.”

Howard Gauthier, Ph.D.CEO, The Positive Leader

“Randy Brown delivers an amazing, life changing message, one that everyone should hear. His lessons can be applied to relationships, family, businesses, teams or to your future path in life. I’ve experienced firsthand, Randy’s stories of the power of hope and that here are no great victories in athletics or life without experiencing heartache and adversity. His positive energy effects everyone around him. Rebound Forward!”

Dan McCarneyFormer head football coach, Iowa State & North Texas State University

“Randy’s message is so inspirational. His strength and resilience are commendable and jaw dropping. What would have crushed many, allowed him to come out triumphant.”

Teresa GrecoOCT, B.A., B.Ed., M.Ed. Educational Technologies Consultant and Happiness Expert, Ontario Canada
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Rebound Forward Turns Adversity to Gold

Adversity touches every inch of life; your home, your town, and the world. In this riveting presentation, Randy Brown unpacks his personal life experiences as an NCAA college basketball coach, father, husband, and man. His raw, honest, and transparent talk unveils darkness, tragedy, success, addiction, and depression. It also allows the audience to learn rare "behind the scenes" details of the ultra-competitive world of college basketball at the highest level. He teaches crucial tools in this step-by-step presentation, based on the Five R’s; Respond, Rebound, Re-create, Resilience, and Results. This colorful, inspiring, and motivational presentation will prepare you for life’s difficulties before they occur.

Networking’s Biggest Lie

We’ve all heard the mantra, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.” Most of us adopted that advice as the key to our career success. This mantra is the biggest lie in networking. Randy Brown breaks down this fallacy and lays the foundational pillars used to create a large, deep and impactful network. Learn that who you know is only 1% of the solution. The remaining 99% lies in the ability to nurture others in a mutually beneficial way, so they know you. Randy teaches how to achieve the depth of relationship that is paramount to knowing the right people to help at the right time.

How to Build a Championship Team from Scratch

Is it possible to start from square one and become the best? It sure is and in this presentation, Randy Brown uses his successful past as a college basketball coach to teach you how. Using 16 pivotal and insightful traits, he shares stories that illustrate how this can take place. This presentation applies to any business, non-profit, personal business venture, school, and athletic program. You will be excited and motivated to take on any situation that drastically needs a makeover. Join Randy in this time-tested plan to yield results you never thought were possible.

Randy Brown Delivers


A keynote speaker ties various messages and themes into one coherent concept that will end with the audience being moved. An exceptional keynote speaker can even change the way a person thinks about a particular topic and takes valuable tools away from the speech. Expect a transparent, to the point, and humorous experience that will challenge you and your life.


An effective way to add focus and value to a conference, and to re-energize attendees, is through the use of breakout sessions. I enjoy it because of its smaller, more intimate setting that attendees find valuable. Asking questions and engaging in discussion with both the speaker and fellow participants becomes much easier.


Having spent 20 years as a college men’s basketball coach around the country, I can vouch for the electric energy on college campuses. Interactive in nature, students ask pointed questions seeking useful answers. Campus diversity is also a valuable aspect of sharing messages you are most passionate about.

Are you ready?

Book Randy Brown