Difficult times can affect us in many ways, good and bad. My life is a tale of adversity at it’s worst; the death of two 4-year old daughters, addiction, major depression, loss of my profession, divorce, and prison…..yet, it was my response to it all that allows me to speak to audiences about how the worst circumstances can become our greatest gift.
I lived it and it can be a gift for you too.

Rave Reviews

Randy Brown Delivers
A keynote speaker ties various messages and themes into one coherent concept that will end with the audience being moved. An exceptional keynote speaker can even change the way a person thinks about a particular topic and takes valuable tools away from the speech. Expect a transparent, to the point, and humorous experience that will challenge you and your life.
An effective way to add focus and value to a conference, and to re-energize attendees, is through the use of breakout sessions. I enjoy it because of its smaller, more intimate setting that attendees find valuable. Asking questions and engaging in discussion with both the speaker and fellow participants becomes much easier.
Having spent 20 years as a college men’s basketball coach around the country, I can vouch for the electric energy on college campuses. Interactive in nature, students ask pointed questions seeking useful answers. Campus diversity is also a valuable aspect of sharing messages you are most passionate about.